Saturday, August 29, 2015

A new beginning for this creative soul...

This is huge! A blessing beyond belief!

A special place where creative, loving, inspiring souls share their secrets, and art. They share their love for all things kind and healing and soulful.

Who do they share it with? With you of course!

Anyone can join the amazing place that is Brave Girl's University.

I am a Brave Girl, I am raising a Brave Girl.

Also, I am an Air Force Wife, Mother, and Daughter. My joy is to share that I am able to give to the precious souls and hearts of our Military Wives. Young and seasoned alike, we all need healing from time to time, we all need a little guidance or just a moment to breathe. Who better to aid you with that than a fellow military wife? Click the link, take a chance on finding some healing, some love, or even just a new place to make new friends.

The wonderful thing about BGU is that it is like a Netflix membership, in that you can turn it on or off at any time. You can even add the Brave Girl Box to your membership and really get some amazingly heart and soul filling goodies right to your door.

Whichever way you choose to join, you won't regret it. You will ask "where has this been all of my life"?!

See you soon, more wonderful posts and joyful SOULprises are coming here soon!